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pandora gold


pandora gold Empty pandora gold

帖子  xiaofeifei 周三 八月 17, 2011 10:22 am

Even human-like or animal-like figures can be made and move quiet convincingly without internal framing. http://tdx111.weebly.com/ It is usually cheap but it must be kept covered as it will dry out quickly.
Also the art of stop motion with clay blobs of abstract or non human-like figures or animal characters can be very amusing. http://pieces56.blogspot.com Claymation with ?No Armature?
Clay with an Armature ?Is it required to make a 3d Stop Motion Animation? http://fruit659.multiply.com/ Some really good stop motion animation with clay can be made without using any armature (internal skeleton).
The answer is no. The only thing that limits a good stop motion animation is your imagination. http://iwkik.webs.com/ A definition of Stop Motion armature :
So get out there and run your favourite stop motion animation software package and let you imagination run wild. http://hwikei.i.ph Armature in stop motion animation is a skeletal type frame used to give support or rigidity to clay or other malleable material.?


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注册日期 : 11-06-13

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